
Showing posts from July, 2005

going mobile !

Using the push registry to launch midlets : MIDP 1.0 specified only one way to start a MIDlet: manual activation by the user. However the MIDP 2.0 specification adds two new mechanisms to launch a MIDlet: in response to an incoming connection or at a scheduled time. While the process is not really difficult as explained in the papers and articles given on the net ( ) The actual implementation of it is tricky mainly because of the practical difficulties and platform implementations. We needed to auto start a MIDlet each time the phone boots up and the most obvious choice seemed to be using the Java Push Registry Alarm method. Having read a couple of tutorials and seen the example code given it didn’t seem something too difficult to do – however, and such is the software jungle, overcoming the practical difficulties seemed to be the biggest hurdle. For example, in my case I was using Eclipse 3.0 with the java WTK ...

my past life .....

Although i dont really belive in this kind of stuff ...but this is what i got on a site .... the surprising thing is i didnt get the same result again with my name(guess the first one is the true one ;) ) In your past life you were : An alchemist.(hmm i sort of always had a knack for chemistry at least ;) ) In your past life you lived in: India.....(ahm...guess i'm in love with the country!) You died of ....: well who cares :P -.... here is the link your past life

when open source can be a headache !

I do think open source is great ! but there are instances when it can be a true headache. For instance, just the other day I needed to write a Java MIDIlet that could interact with a EXE Daemon written in symbian C++ (which lets MIDIlets acces native services -something which otherwise they have no access to . The full paper is at Arvind Gupta's site ). So i got into the jungle of IDEs, emulators and Wireless tool kits. I downloaded the latest Eclipse 3.1 and then the eclipseme plugin along with sun's wireless toolkit 2.2. Whimsically, the Eclipse 3.1 would not include the .jar files necessary for the project although the files were integrated into the IDE. After spending a whole friday and a good part of sunday trying to get the plugin to work, sense finally dawned and I downloaded the Eclipse 3.0 instead and it worked like a dream ;). so incase if you're eclipse 3.1 has problems download eclipse 3.0 insated ! the world wide web is becoming a super messy jungle of tangled ...

the Wi-Fi Hoover

On the theme of innovating for the future, the OBWIous ( O ut of the B ox W ireless I ntellingent -ous) group -led by fabien- is currently working on a prototype for a Wi-Fi Hoover device. The device is being built for the internet 2 (backward compatibility with internet is still being debated though probably will not be built in.) The Wi-Fi Hoover device scans the radio frequency in the surrounding area to search for objects specified through an any criteria search mechanism. The Hoover can then create a virtual image of the object which is directly manipulatable. A ei-piPEs (Enhanced Intelligent Performance Improvement Performance Evaluation System) has also been inbuilt into the Hoover which allows the device to network with similar or compatible devices for real time collaboration. This would provide for a mode of collaboration where different users manipulate and can synchronously change real time copies of actual objects in the nearby area. The area range can be set allowing fo...
Here i have a snapshot of the first user testing of the organic helmet. The testing was done on a user who had a long and glorious history of crashing all sorts of software : from home made to commercial to open source. The only thing he was asked not to try to destroy was the organic helemt itself ! The game that was played for the test was "galaxies -2". The actual interaction was recorded and also displayed on a wall mounted display (visible in the pic) for people who were watching. The organic helmet is also capable of being networked with similar helmets for augumenting collaborative work or just for the thrills of playing network games in agumented reality !