Disha: "How's life ! ? Me : "Not too good ! I've hardly been getting any sleep!" Disha: "Fie, fie, you're in love :) " Yeah ! if only it was that. It's going to be a super hectic week. And i'm already exhausted thinking of it :). Somehow i've had disdain for things that require me to take great care in completing but require very little logic. I would rather think over something really really complex and just scribble the output on paper , Its a different matter that i seem to be losing my ability to do that too ! Its a farce, I know it is. What do I really want to do ? Head off, make my life an experiment, reflect, fly, know my inner self, actualize. Ancient hermits in india put years of their life experimenting - wore only one color, ate only one color to study the effect of the color on their body, learnt of things we can only dream of today- it's probably the most exciting thing i think of doing -and yet i don't do it. Will...