on a serious note .
my recently increased activity on blogger is the result of inspiration of some super active bloggers in our lab - and so any benefits and more importantly repercussions (read my grades next semester ;) ) can be backtracked to them - nicolas , mauro , and fabien (not necessarily in that order ;) ) Although, being inspired is not really being fair since instead of blogging about news from the world of research and technolgy that matters (for which i religiously scan their blogs everyday!) all i do is blog about ...err 'other stuff'. however i'm quick to realize that i must move on to more important meaningful things ......and hence as a result of a 'scholarly' discussion held one afternoon - over some delicious 'orange' wine !! -ok i'm new to wine ;) - my next blog will be a lot more academic. Its focussed on a futuristic organic helmet ( the first user test for which has already been conducted and i'm holding back posting details for some IP rel...