a day to remember.....

shit happens....and to be fair so do sweet surprises. Yesterday was one such day. i mean the sweet surprise one. I got two wonderful surprises and spent a lovely evening. And i didnt even have to ask !
Well this reall sweet estonian flatmate of mine asked if i wanted to join her to a cafe and then we headed out. The only problem we had no idea of where the cafe was, her only contact for the cafe was a geogian girl whose phone number she didnt have, and both of spoke little french. Err... the little here is sort of relative because my 'little' is two basic french classes ;) and her's was a lot better although she remembers hardly any french she studied(her view. i personally think she has a great french accent with no french vocabulary :D ).
Not that i have not found my way to places i had idea about in a place where nobody understood what i was talking about ..but this time i was in no real hurry. And her georgian friend conveniently erased her number from her phone (talk of -pleasant- surprises). So we walked around lausanne poring over maps and generally getting nowhere. Whoever said getting nowhere was no fun surely didnt know what he was talking about.

I picked up a 'little' -again!- Estonian. Basically how to say hello, yes, no, good morning, good night cheers and I love you . What might be a (pleasant ? ) surprise to any soul who wanders by these pages is that Estonians have real cute word endings.....one of them is -sex ;). And the word for cheers in Estonia ends in -sex like lots of other estonian words which is (in her words) the most fascinating part of estonian for foreigners !

Another thing I realizd was that India biggest brand name abroad are Indian Movies ! Everybody seems to have heard of them. Them come the indian food and surprisingly (unpleasant!) a lot of people seem to have heard about the indian caste system. Which i'm really not comfortable talking about so i'll skip it.

well we stayed for about two hours at the cafe and after midnight we returned and she actually found pulao cooked by me good....and she did seem pleased. Either she is a very good actress or she the spices numbed her taste buds. (ok i'm being humble here - the pulao was damn good :D )

she is a psycho-physicist who likes bull fighting (!!!!) and is an expert Falmengo dancer.


nicolas nova said…
Hey Satyendra
it's nice to read your blog :)

Nicolas Nova
(my blog is at http://tecfa.unige.ch/pav but it's rather work-oriented)
neo said…
wow, getting a comment like that from someone's whose blog is one of my fav sources for the latest on cool gadgets and interaction design is wonderful. Thank you !

i read your "work related blog" religiously everday :)...i've tried leaving comments but i somehow dont see the authentication image !

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