Information Search Retrieval : Memory

If homomorphism between two domains is not well established then analogies are susceptible to two kinds of errors:
errors of commission - when irrelevant information is imposed on the target domain.
errors of omission - information transferred covers only part of what it pertains to.

Memory becomes manifest whenever the behavior of a system is influenced by events that occurred n the past and information about them then must have been retained by the system in some way.
An implication of the above is that memory becomes not the property of a system but that of the observer-object relationship because it arises from the inability of the observer to explain the behavior of the system and fully predict it in the absence of full information.

K makes an assertion that a system possesses memory if its history behavior cannot be explained by either his psychological processes or the technical processes in place. Social Memory explains history determined behavior by reference to structural features of society.

Information Retrieval devices - past information needs to be unitized, logically distinct. Followed by classification and indexing which depends on ability to understand data.

The four stage process: 1. acquisition; 2. storage and maintenance; 3) search; 4) retrieval.

two important aspects of temporal memory:
1. communication delays
2. identity transformation

atomic elements ? social systems ?

Retrieval of information from temporal memory then involves interception of the flow of information thus implying both spatial (certain location) as well as temporal (certain time) dependencies.

Another way to carry 'memory' : by semi-permanent changes in a medium - e.g. recording tapes, writing books etc. The very important fact to note here that recording memory in this way essentially involves a complementary retrieving system that understands this coding. e.g. need to know the language of the written record, or have a system to play the recorded ferromagnetic information (or even the linseed example given). In social system things get more complex - since it is not only the encoding standards but the combined effect of encoding and decoding that has significance.


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