Random Happenings

So I'm back on my blog after a really long time. There are quite a few reasons, some legitimate and some that I make up to feel better about my not posting quite often enough.

Either way: here are a few random things to get started again. Probably inspired by the thought of "quantity over quality". Not that I approve of the thought (or disapprove of it) or to suggest that this post is sub-quality.

1. I spent the weekend in the lab! Why ? Hardware woes!

I installed Vista x64 on my swanky quad core 8 GB machine and spent a couple of days customizing the machine only to find that the the eye tracking analysis tool that I needed to install for my most recent eye tracking study wouldn't install on a 64 bit machine. The labs were all occupied during the week so I had to go to the lab on the weekend to analyze the data. The software was horrible! I'm inclined to believe that software is probably the only industry where a product as buggy as that can be sold. I can't imagine a car, a screwdriver, a rice cooker, a roller-blade or any other product that is so buggy which people will actually buy.

2. I found out my personality type was INTP. Well instead of answering the 64 questions I could have just looked up the descriptions and zeroed in on my type, but the fact that I completely agree with the type I was predicted by the questions makes them pretty credible for me. If you haven't done it, might be worth a shot. (If you do try it let me know what type you were :) ) I loved the term one of the sites used to express INTP. Architects - of ideas, philosophies etc. to arrive at truth.

3. Be careful of any Indian who randomly walks upto you and seems extraordinarily friendly - espeically in a store. I met two and both of them wanted to inform me of their "ventures". When I asked what they did, it's mentioned as a web-portal with 'focus of business development' and something that leads to personality development and leadership and other BS. Basically it's people who want you to sign up for pyramid money making schemes. I say Indian because out of the three such people who have come upto me all three have been Indian.

Meanwhile i'm looking forward to some more medals from India in boxing!


Kanchan said…
Hey .. nice post!!
Am an INTJ :)
Linking ur blog
Kanchan said…
btw, I see you were not yet tagged.
Now you are.
The Rules:

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
Kanchan said…
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Unknown said…
@ #3: Hahaha...Can't believe you fell for that!! Didn't anyone warn you about them?!/

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