Spatial Communication

Been reading up on the wonderful concept of Spatial Communication. I'm gonna be working on it
this summer internship and it really seems exciting. Reading of the research being done there I really felt a desire to go into research but then there is always the lure of the mba .......what with all the big jobs and big money involved !
The bumber placements at iims dont help simplify my deicision either !
Sometimes i just stop and ask - what the hell do i WANT to do ?
no clue ! i guess it either means I can be happy at either of the things MS or MBA or I am going to be clueless no matter what I do .......i prefer to think the former is right ....but then I might be wrong and thats a frightening thought !

the last month is getting hectic ! lots of projects to complete plus i've taken up freelancing work for a startup in delhi ! dont know why i do all this ....for the money ?? ;)


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