Tough times don't last, tough people do ......i hope :)

What a week! And I have an ever more hectic one coming up!
I spent the entire day sitting at one placing trying to finish up all my deadline material for this coming week.

I have an assignment due on Monday. A final presentation and a big assignment due on tuesday. Wednesday I have two interviews - for practice really - since I'm pretty sure where I'm going to be going. Thursday I'm traveling to Redmond, i'm a little excited and a little overwhelmed by the burden. I'm going to be presenting my project to a group of hotshot designers, and they quite casually agreed that they love asking questions :). That's quite a relief - just something I needed after a week of looming deadlines.

I found the quote "I love deadlines, especially the whoosh sound they make as they fly past" funny once. Not any more.... :). Either i've lost my sense of humour or the quote has changed! Either way its not too funny anymore.

Also there was a time at IIT where I would wait for the end of semester for that long awaited break and the hope that next semester was going to be a lot less work. Now my lazy side has nothing to look forward to. Next semester is going to be more hectic that this and although i'm kind of super excited about the MoRAS course with Prof. Geroge Furnas, the reading list has me more than a little intimidated :).

Sometimes I feel that life my life can be simple too. Take a few easy HCI courses, get a decent job, party! I don't even know why I won't do that. Actually I kind of do, but its more kind of intuitive knowledge and so few people would share the view that there are times when I doubt whether i'm just deluded.

Either way I have a love hate relationship with myself. Hating myself for getting myself into taking "these" courses and loving myself for having taken them :)!

I guess i'm a simple man with complex tastes!


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Or they said, 'What a cold, proud beauty!' I looked, and lo! a Madonna, whose flonase heart held the world.. Half the lithium others were in Europe.. I was merely aware phentermine that she was in the room.. I shall not venture to state what change thyroid is produced in the Forec.. Herewith I am enclosing the fifteen dollars you paid to secure the adderall suite.. This inhibition and consequent deviation from the excitation becomes the task of phentermine a second system which dominates the voluntary motility, i.. That's the ticket; it will ease things up and won't phentermine do you any harm.. Through condensation of the dream certain constituent parts of its content are explicable which are peculiar to the dream life alone, and which are not found thyroid in the waking state.. The scene is quinine where Colonel Calhoun entertains a few of the neighboring planters in his den.. It was potassium but a quarter past nine o'clock when their carriage stopped at the Watkinson door.. I have just bought all the edibles about the place, whether in the cellar, claritin the house or any of the surrounding structures, in the ground, above the ground, dead or alive, and a bargain's a bargain as between man and man.. Wait till later insulin in the season, and come again.. Her hat was trimmed with a narrow-striped xanax silk of the same colors--maroon and white--and in her hand she held a parasol that matched her dress.. This picture had, after all, nothing to do viagra with him.. The weakling and the neurotic attached to his neurosis phentermine are not anxious to turn such a powerful searchlight upon the dark corners of their psychology...
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De war had done lef' old mars' synthroid po' hisself.. Perhaps, in all the adderall long years of anguish since that hour, no tender hand had touched his brow, nor wiped away the damps of a bitter sorrow.. It forms part of a cycle of dreams, and can simvastatin be fully understood only in connection with the others.. Men may not remember much of what they are told about children; but any man knows the difference between an aunt and a mother-in-law. zithromax. This is the principle of paroxetine compression or condensation.. Prue, I continue to say to my wife, who looks effexor up from her work regarding me with pleased pride, as if I were such an irresistible humorist, you will allow me to believe that the depth may be calm although the surface is dancing.. He stood for a moment irresolute, for vioxx something was happening to him.. On the repetition of this same experience we were evista forced to the supposition that there is an intimate bond, with laws of its own, between the unintelligible and complicated nature of the dream and the difficulties attending communication of the thoughts connected with the dream.. Then he partially awakens, and repeats phentermine the dream to himself, because he wants to tell it to me.. On inquiry if there way no provision for females , my friend called my attention potassium to this remarkable psychological fact, namely: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FEMALE PUNSTER.. Baggage with which one travels is the phentermine burden of sin by which one is oppressed.. There is evidence of a third factor, which deserves careful viagra consideration.. A great deal of what we have called dream condensation can be thus lortab formulated.. Claiborne asked us, and he's the head lamictal of this household.. The horse seemed to fly--the distance was half past--and at length, in absolute despair of anything better, he blurted out at once norvasc what he had determined to avoid--a direct reference to the correspondence...

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