The Daily Diary

Reading diaries you write years later is an illuminating experience. Not only does it take you down the memory lane - but seeing yourself from an outsider's perspective tells you a lot about yourself. It's also a learning experience because you realize that things that seemed so important then don't matter so much now, and things that seemed trivial then are the things you treasure so much today.

So to gift myself those moments later in life I've decided to write something each night. Of course, I've bravely and foolishly resolved to do this earlier too each time failing but inspired by the adage that "If you fail once, try something different" i'm going to post each night with a specific goal. Even on the busy nights i'll write a short note on something new I learnt in the day, or something else that moved me.

Tonight I have two things to jot down:

1. One I read a couple of fascinating articles on the injection method in Ruby and the different things that could be done with it. One of the authors also called it the "Swiss Knife" of Ruby functions. The reading led me to some interesting bit of information on functional programming languages. It would have been fun to learn one.

2. I got a lovely surprise - a wonderful email from a friend in Belgium. The weather is getting better - in fact we're looking at 3-7 degrees centigrade! - and her bright email made my day better :)

Oh and I went on a massive cleaning drive trying to organize all my documents.
I almost forgot.....I also learnt how productive I can be if I switch off my computer :)


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