
Unbelivably, I'm writing in again today !

It's been a long weekend. Long because there were so many things to finish over the weekend - and i've almost managed to cram them all in.

I've finally been able to integrate Google Map into the RideNow project ride display !!!!
The long time was primarily because working twenty hours a day at another place I didnt really get any time to work on it through the week. So I was mostly working on it some late nights and at the weekends! Nevertheless, I'm so relieved its done - because it involved getting my feet wet with GMap and AJAX by looking at code of a significant level of complexity :). But then somehow I think I learn better that way ;)

Weekends have become more like a time to catch up on work for the week. There used to be similar times at IIT too but that was more because I wouldn't have worked through the week.
Here, after slogging through the week, i've to work at weekends to try to catch up with the remaining work - and even after that I sometimes don't end up doing all the readings for the week!

Is it too much work or too much of inefficiency on my part. This time I think its the former [:)]

trying to get myself ready for anther hectic week !


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