The Curse of Reservation

So in the world's largest 'democracy' students are beaten up like common criminals for peacefully protesting against something that aims to cripple both their future as wel as the future of the country. It's really a pathetic state of affair - but then what else can you expect with prized morons like Arjun Singh making decisions. The guy is unbelievably dumb - seriously !! I mean you think you've heard Bush and you've heard it all but you've just got to listen to this asSh07E.

Just to give you an example of how dumb this moron is - here is what the HRD minister, someone who was considered for the Indian Prime Minister Post actually said on a national interview:

Interviewer : we are talking about the reservations for the OBCs (Other Backward Castes) in particular. Do you know what percentage of the Indian population is OBC? Mandal puts it at 52 per cent, the National Sample Survey Organisation at 32 per cent, the National Family and Health Survey at 29.8 per cent, which is the correct figure?

Arjun Singh: I think that should be decided by people who are more knowledgeable. But the point is that the OBCs form a fairly sizeable percentage of our population

WTF ??? you moron how are the people going to decide what is the percentage of OBC's in India ? I mean the most basic thing the guy who proposed the reservation should know is the SIZE of the OBC population on the basis of which the reservation will be proposed !

And trust me this is just the start ...If you're really in a mood for some laughs here:

The saddest part is - you don't know whether you should laugh at this moron or worry yourself sick about the future of India when dimwits like him are incharge of making rules for so many lives...
God save India.


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